As the days turn lighter and brighter and our vibrations quicken, we’ll soon be able to manifest things faster. There’s one caveat. Be careful what you wish for. Dreams will come true faster. So staying aligned with the highest good is essential. What’s your deepest desire? What’s your wildest dream? Maybe it’s time to put…

Inner guidance can show you the best ways to work with wealth. Back in April of 2008 I woke up with a dream where I saw an economic machine that was broken from top to bottom. I knew that hard economic times were coming and I told my husband to sell his stocks. I’d not…

Your sacred space is where you will find yourself again and again. – Joseph Campbell The sacred space at Assisi, Italy played a key role in the inspiration for the polio vaccine. Jonas Salk was at St. Francis’ birthplace when he conceived of the vaccine that has saved millions of lives. He attributed his inspiration…

“Everything happens for us. Nothing happens against us,” says Brenda Michaels, host of Conscious Talk radio. She went through a period of cancer, medical bankruptcy and divorce that propelled her into a new level of understanding. Host of the radio show that reaches 200,000 plus visitors weekly, she refused chemotherapy and began to turn inward…

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