“Full Moon” from Spirited Art. In my travels on the web today I found this article by Geoffrey de Meaux, a French astrologer from that time about an eclipse that occurred in March of 1345 that he believes was the harbinger of the plague.  His description of the mechanism of the eclipse is eloquent and…

Virgo is about a return to purity and respect for the mind/body/spirit connection, and for this reason it is connected to matters of health and healing. Ever since Saturn entered Virgo last fall, we have been confronted by revelations about factors in our environment that affect our health. With three planets in Libra, beauty products have…

image by Frank Laumen. This crop circle was found at 5:30 am.  The Crop Circle Connector field report seems to suggest that it was made using mechanical means, but it’s a fascinating image nonetheless. Harold Stryderight tells us that the figure 8 refers to the upcoming lunar eclipse: Each big circle of balls of increasing…

I wrote this post a couple of years ago but thought I would repost it in light of comments on the John Edwards story, and for a reminder myself! Astrologers usually follow a code of ethics in their work, just as most professions do. The National Council for Geocosmic Research, one of the oldest astrological…

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