Recently I have gotten a few questions about spirit orbs: What are they and are they real? I can’t say for sure but my hunch is digital technology allows us to pick up energy that has always been there but was previously invisible to cameras.

When I took a group to Egypt one woman was dismayed that there was something wrong with her new camera. She kept erasing the pictures until she showed the images to another woman in the group and was told those round balls were spirit orbs.

I think spirit orbs are glimpses of all the divine, celestial beings that are always around. They surround us and are there guiding and loving us. Of course we have to be willing to receive the love and accept the guidance.

I call this blog Angels on Your Shoulder because of an old dear friend and because I believe there are angels on our shoulder. Here is a great photo gallery of spirit orb images. Look at them and notice how you feel.

Being willing

I remember as a child my mother giving me wonderful guidance which I ignored and later regretted not listening. I learned to listen to my ‘little voice’ but not listening and later realizing how much grief I could have avoided by paying attention to that inner knowing.

The angels are always around you offering guidance the questions are: Are you willing to listen and are you willing to take action?

Working with angels

I think of them as that quiet still voice that loves us and reminds us of our perfection. If you want to work with your angels you have to be willing to step out of the box and really listen. Their guidance will show up in the most wondrous and subtle ways. You amy be driving to work and see a cloud or a billboard with a message that speaks to you. You drive by the next day and it isn’t even there.

With love and aloha,

Angels are everywhere just open your mind and your heart to the signs.

Make Angels on Your Shoulder part of your daily routine and share it with a friend!

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