I got here yesterday rather exhausted by two red eyes back to back. As I was finding my way toward the baggage carousel I asked Raphael to make finding my bags easy. The song, You picked a fine time to leave me Lucille pooped into my head. The lyrics were a bit different, it was You picked a fine time to ask me Lucille. I find the angels do have a sense of humor.

My bags decided to take a different flight than I did. The lady behind the desk gave me a package with a tooth brush, an oversize toothbrush and an apology. Both my bags were delivered today. When I take time to ask for their assistance before hand things sure go a lot smoother.

Recently I got an email from someone who was convinced the angels never helped his family or him. I believe we are spiritual beings in a physical body and that we are limitless, Our filter system is what creates all the limitations and invites lack and limitation into our life. If we ask the angels for help there are times our filter system blocks out the help.

Spend some time listeneing to what you tell yourself on a daily basis. Is life hard? Perhaps ask the angels to help you release all of your limiting beliefs and then take the necesssary steps to do that.

The angels can open the door, but you still have to move your legs and wall through it. I am signing off to get some much needed sleep. I know I will feel human again in a few days.

With love and aloha,

Angels are everywhere just open your mind and your heart to the signs.

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