
When I began my search for happiness, I studied many philosophies and religions.  I found a common theme: that the power to create our happiness always lies within.  For me to have the freedom to choose happiness, I found it necessary to separate myself from my mind and deepen my connection to my spirit.

Eventually I realized my rational, linear mind or, as I have to think of it, my small self was never meant to be in charge of life. My inner self was. I think of my inner self as my heart or my spirit.  It is the part of me that has the good sense to connect with the angelic realms and with God.  As I began to live from my heart, I experienced a freedom and a joy that was previously unimaginable.

Our minds are a magnificent tool.  They were just never meant to be in control.  When our spirit is in control, we begin to experience a reality that is free of fear and limitation.  As we open our hearts, we are free to share openly our love as well as our God-given gifts and talents.  
These are 10 steps that will help deepen your connection to your spirit, allow you to better hear the guidance of your angels, and align your will with your divine purpose. Each one is a process in and of itself. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comment section.
1.    Admit that living from your rational, linear mind no longer works. (Surrender).

2.    Begin to learn how to love and accept yourself, just the way you are. (See the perfection God created).

3.    Become willing to turn your thinking and control of your life over to your spirit. Pray for guidance and listen for the answers.

4.    Look truthful at your past, redefine your principles, and begin living from an expansive place of love.

5.    Be open to the spiritual guidance that is always available; free yourself from the past by letting go your need to be in control.

6.    Feel your emotions with the realization that all of your emotions are created by what you tell yourself. Realize that only love is real; all the rest is an illusion created by your mind. Ask the angels to help you see the truth.

7.    Trust that you are always surrounded by a sea of love, that spiritual guidance is just a prayer away. Realize that the limited perspective of your mind is just that–limited–and that from your spirit, you are connected to everyone and everything.

8.    Consciously choose to release the past by forgiving yourself and anyone you believe has harmed you in any way. Open your heart and allow the angels to show you a new way of being.

9.    On a daily basis, check your motives and make sure you are fully committed to realigning yourself with your spirit. Once again open your heart and your mind to the angels and ask for help.

10.    Meditate daily. Pray, asking for guidance and listening to that quiet, still voice of your spirit. When you are not sure of how to proceed, ask for assistance and trust that the answer will come.  Saying “I don’t know” gives the universe the necessary permission to show you how to proceed.  Practice saying you don’t know a lot!
Above all else, allow yourself to enjoy the journey from your head to your heart.

With love, aloha and angel blessings,

Angels are always all around you waiting to help, so ask them!

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