Find Out: I am curious to know how to ask angels for signs. I went to a seminar, and I learned that the way to go about it is to say, "Angels, within the next (number) hours, show me (sign) if I will and/ or will not (question). “This has worked in the past however, I am not succeeding lately. One of the issues I am struggling with is that I am not hearing from my friend/ mentor (whom I'll refer to as "Alicia"). This is really emotionally draining for me, as she is my best friend. How can I ask angels how to mend anything that needs mending in order to resume the friendship? How would you advise me to communicate with angels?
- Laurie

Although there are many [instructors] who teach how you should ask angels to give you a sign, it is not biblical. Some ask, isn’t this what Gideon did in Judges 6:36-40 when he put out a fleece? The first time Gideon put out a fleece, he asked that in the morning the fleece would be wet and the ground around it would be dry. The second sign he asked for was that the next time the fleece would by dry and the ground around it would be wet.

The sign Gideon was asking for was something miraculous. It was not like asking your angel to give you a sign like a feather or something that does not require a miracle. Gideon is not asking his guardian angel for a sign. He is asking God.

It is important to note that Gideon did not put out his fleece to learn what God wanted him to do. God had already told him what to do, but Gideon put out a fleece anyway. The first fleece was a sign of unbelief. Gideon knew what God wanted, but he didn’t believe it and didn’t want to do it. When Gideon set out another fleece, it wasn’t to determine God’s will either. Rather, it was asking God again to prove his promises. Here, the Bible is not teaching that this is what we should do to find God’s will.

Gideon knew that he was risking God’s anger by asking for signs (Judges 6:39). In this instance, God did make an exception and granted the signs Gideon requested, but in the rest of the Scripture, it is clear this is not the way we are to find God’s guidance. The Bible warns against asking for signs in Deuteronomy 6:16 and in Luke 4:12. The first verse warns against putting God to the test while the second verse confirms the principle through Jesus when he was tempted by Satan in the wilderness.

If you don’t ask angels for a sign, then how does a person find God’s guidance? 95% of the time you will be in the center of God’s plan for you if you just choose to do what is right, kind, and loving. In non-moral choices where there are personal decisions to make, (career choices, where to live or what car to drive), trust God do your homework and follow your heart. God is pleased when you are pleased. This is a concise summary of finding God’s will. For a complete explanation, read what I consider to be the best book ever written on the subject, “Decision Making and the Will of God published” by Gary Friesen. The book is clear and understandable, and you won’t have to put out a fleece to know it is right on the mark.

This happened a long time ago... back in the early 80s. I was in my 30s, and I was married with children, but this memory stays alive in my mind, and it is still a mystery to me to this day.

I was really sick from hepatitis, and I woke to find a creature-like figure on the end of my bed. I say creature because it wasn't an angel-like figure like the angels seen on pictures (with pretty wings, white dust, etc.) This was scary looking. It had a look of a troll (it had a big nose and it was also very short). It was not pleasing to my eyes. It sat on the end of my bed nearest my feet and I could feel its weight...It was just staring out a nearby window. Once it sensed that I had awaken, it turned its head slowly and looked at me calmly. It didn't say a word...

I never did give it a chance to speak... I could feel its weight on my blanket, and it was as real and plain to see as the nose on my face. It scared me so I put my covers over my head, and I cried to God for help.

Was this my guardian angel? He didn't harm me, and I do feel he was just sitting there because he knew how sick I was. I'm a Christian lady, and I've been a Christian most of my life.
- Sheila L.

This doesn’t sound like an angel to me. God doesn’t send angels to frighten you when you are sick and feeling vulnerable. The Bible teaches that angels are unseen spirits that only take on a form that can be seen when God sends them for a specific reason. What you described served no positive purpose. It brought you no encouragement or healing. When God’s angels do appear to humans, it is also to bring glory to God. Instead, you found yourself praying to God for help rather than praising him.

Not everyone sees angels with pretty wings, and angels do appear in many forms. Click here to learn more about what angels look like.

I am curious about a recurring experience I had when I was seven-years-old. I would dream I was in the clouds playing and then something would summon me. Then, I would be sitting in front of a being that had the body of a man and the face of a lion with a sword in its mouth. The being sat on a throne and would proceed to speak with me (I don't remember the conversation). Afterwards, I would get a feeling of falling off a bridge into blackness, and then I would awake in my bed to a ghost-like apparition standing over my bed.

What's your insight about this experience?
- Scottwllmkr

My insight is that you are reporting the dreams of a seven-year old, not a revelation from God or an encounter with angels. The first part of the dream probably reflects hopes for the future while the last part of the dream reflects childhood fear of failure.

What does it mean when you only see angel wings and get a very uneasy feeling? [These feelings] can't be from God, can they?
- Marie Davenport

No, those very uneasy feelings are not from God. The Bible states: “For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self discipline.” (2 Timothy 1:7)

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