
I wonder what would happen in your life if one day you said:

“Enough! It’s time for me!  I am going to take time out to go in. I am going to make time to find and reconnect with myself and with what really matters!”

What would happen if – when the “nay saying voice of reason” came in and filled your head with all the justifiable reasons that you cannot possibly take the time, spend the money, or leave your family obligations for three or four days to retreat from the world and to reconnect with you – if you consciously overrode that seeming logic and took the “Illogical leap of faith” to invest in yourself, in your spirit, in listening for life’s deepest meaning and purpose?

I've lived through my own struggles, many mistakes, grievances, addictions, dark night of soul despair and spiritual awakening, and now I work with hundreds of women and men who come to retreats with me for personal spiritual guidance and to learn the life-changing Soul Arts tools for finding and following one’s own wisdom in every day real life.  I wish to offer you this:

You are absolutely not alone! 

Each one of us carries an early wounding inside that has, at least in part, shut us down from remembering and fully expressing our true self. Each of us has places we feel guilt and shame over our failures and mistakes. Each of us has feelings of betrayal and grief. We each have insecurities that we cover over with our “make-up masks” and persona’s that we put in place to hopefully make us more like-able (aka safe). Each of us has very likely felt the fear of financial ruin and becoming a helpless, destitute “bag lady” (or man) if we dared follow our hearts.

What I have come to realize from my life work as a spiritual teacher is that people who are not in this line of work don’t have the benefit of meeting and talking with others and realizing that you are not alone in your secret most inner feelings of self-doubt. These are universal feelings that arise from unconscious attachments and self-defining ego structures that block us from the realization of our true nature. 

Our fear-thoughts and places of self-doubt are, in fact, an invitation to remembering who we really are. These inner struggles are what bring us to seeking, to awakening, and to growing in daily expression of authentic relationship with life …We are simply not taught in our culture HOW to recognize these invitations to awaken, nor how to employ them in a healing and life-transforming shift of consciousness necessary to true self-realization.

Let me please ask you to consider this: If you realized that by taking time out to go in, you were in truth making the greatest life investment you could ever make for your self, your loved ones and our world... would you pass it by out of fear?

What would you be throwing away with “reasonable sounding” excuses such as not enough time, money or self-confidence? What might your authentic self look like, feel like, have as its special and unique gift? Can you really afford to turn away from your own truth and beauty?

The truth I’ve come to see over and over again without exception, is this:

Our fears and blocks and times of deepest despair are seeds sprinkled on the ground of life waiting for each of us to say: “There must be something more!! I am going to invest this life in finding out what it means to awaken to life’s riches meaning!”

This is the daily truth we forget:  We only ever actually live and are alive within each moment here and now. Now is where your life is played, nowhere else! It is good to reflect and to recognize that how we spend each moment reflects the values we are placing on life. Each moment, another coin of your lifeline is being spent. In what are you investing with the coins of your life? 

Will you invest in finding your true self? Will you invest in following your life’s very own unique genius? If not now, when?

Are you at a crossroad in your life? Ronda’s spiritual guidance in the tools for finding and following your soul’s own inner wisdom in every day life has become internationally sought-out, with peopletraveling from all over the world who come to heal, clarify and experience for themselves this powerful SoulArts Process of Awakening. For more information visit www.CenterForSoulArtscom

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