
Watch: 'The World's Not Made for Me'

How Did the Weight Affect Your Love Life?

I fell in love with this guy, and I totally got off-focus of Ruby. And before I knew it, it was all about him.

And then, he was leaving me because I couldn't lose the weight. I tried for him, and that was when I was like, "Okay, you're about to lose the love of your life after eight and a half years. This is so much bigger than you. You're letting him go because you cannot beat this."

Watch: 'If I Die Tonight...'

Watch: "The Last Time I Wore Jeans"

How Does Your Sunday School Teaching Help?

There's a lot of things in the Bible that I try to teach the kids. I try to teach them, "You are about what you are inside. Anything's possible with God. You love who you are." I'm trying to teach them not to judge somebody no matter what their flaws are. And that is my biggest message because, if we could teach the kids, we could change the world. I really believe that.

Where Do You Find Everyday Support?

I pray. I'm a pray-er. I pray every day of my life, and I have people praying for me. And unless you believe, unless you know the power of prayer, you can't go here. When you know that people are praying for you, it gives you a strength that I cannot even explain.

Watch: Reborn in the Water

The Most Dangerous Diets
Losing weight isn’t worth losing your life. Read next feature >
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