2017-10-05 2017-10-05

Why do you want to lose weight? Is a question that many physicians ask their patients especially when they first come to the doctor expressing they desire to weigh less. The answers that generally follow is that you want to lose weight to look good or perhaps you want to lose weight so you can feel better or maintain a better way of life. Whatever the case may be, weight loss has become essential to many. What has become even more essential is that many begin their weight loss dieting without first understanding the importance of their body’s set point which continues to be a very crucial and vital point in the weight loss journey specifically when first establishing your weight loss goals for yourself.

How Do You Determine Your Body’s Set Point?

If you have ever tried your hand at yo-yo dieting which is defined as a cyclical loss and gain of weight then you are no stranger to the frustration of watching the scale go up and down. This natural tendency of the body to keep the body at a weight that feels biologically correct known as a set point. Your weight’s set point can be determined by genetics and biological tendencies.

So how does one determine their weight set point? It is a 3 step process that’s not complicated but it must be done strategically in order to avoid detrimental harm to your body. While there are several things online and on television currently promoting quick and easy ways to lose weight it’s important to understand that anything that warrants real results cannot happen over night.

This is why in many cases when you see someone lose a drastic amount of weight within a matter of weeks you will notice that if they go back to their old eating habits for a week they’ll gain even more weight back. This is because they were not cognitive of their body’s set point and had no idea that their bodies were pre-dispositioned to certain sizes and shapes.

Refrain From Engaging in Extremely Restrictive Diets

When you want to lose weight you will want to lose weight by any means necessary which sometimes means limiting your calorie intake. While it may seem good in theory to limit your calories, limiting your calories will actually slow your metabolism down. A slower metabolism will ultimately impact your body’s set point and increasing your chances of weight gain. One of the greatest ways you can maintain a healthy metabolism is to make sure you are eating a nutritionally balanced diet that provides not only enough calories but also energy. A few of things include making sure that you are eating the right amount of fruits, grains and vegetables. Additionally it’s important that you are eating the right things that will fuel your body. If your body is not eating food that increases it is energy you will ultimately struggle with kickstarting your metabolism.


Getting regular exercise is vital when trying to achieve physical health. Regular exercise includes but is not limited to running, biking, lifting weights, playing recreational sports or simply just getting out and moving throughout your day This is often where many people struggle on their fitness excursions because not many people genuinely enjoy exercising on a consistent basis because it requires not only time but energy. Physical activity has been known to be just as important to your overall health as nutrition is especially when it comes to controlling your body’s natural weight gain. When you combine exercise combined with a diet you are at an increased chance of maintaining your body’s most natural set point which insures your body will not only be healthy but will feel comfortable.

Calculate Your Body Mass Index

If you’re not sure what your body mass index you will want to discuss your BMI level with your physician. Body Mass index is defined as a measurement of weight, according to height, and is used by medical professionals to gauge how healthy your weight is. BMI calculators can be found throughout the internet or you can work with you doctor to have yours calculated. In order to determine if your BMI is ideal or not you will want to make sure you are between the numbers of 18.5 and 25. Any number that is lower than 18.5 is considered as being under-weight. A BMI that is over 25 is considered overweight. BMI calculators are widely available online, or your doctor can calculate yours for you. A BMI between 18.5 and 25 is considered ideal, with a number lower than 18.5 being underweight and over 25 is considered as overweight. If you notice that your BMI is still not in a healthy place even while following a nutritious and healthy diet combined with exercise you will want to consult your physical to see if you need to have your set point adjustment. There are also many scales on the market that will calculate your body mass index for you to help you determine what your body mass index is without you having to go to your local doctor.

Always Seek the Opinion of a Professional First

While a healthy and nutritious diet can be obtained under personal supervision, it is important that you still consult a physician before beginning any new and extreme fitness regimens. Your doctor can let you know what types of healthy lifestyle adjustments you should and should not make. Many falsely believe that they can begin a new fitness and or diet regimen without consulting a physician and ultimately end up resetting their set points because they have no true understanding of the goals that they are wishing to achieve with their bodies.

What other things do you feel are vital to establishing your body’s set point? We want to hear all about it. Make sure to leave your thoughts below in the comment session.

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