
Rev Run and his wife, Justine first realized they were at risk for diabetes after Run’s manger found out his own father’s condition put him at risk of developing diabetes. After learning factors like weight, family history and race put them both at greater risk, they knew they needed to make a complete lifestyle change and spread an important message to others about getting screened, despite their personal fears.

Many know that Run is known for his words of wisdom, particularly on social media. He wanted to put his influence to good use, especially when it comes to health. His wife Justine, stood by his side. So, the couple teamed up with Novo Nordisk’s Ask.Screen.Know. campaign, which provides preliminary screening tools and early type 2 diabetes risk factor assessments, all which can be done in the comfort of your own home. The site also offers healthy eating advice and tasty recipes for people ready to make these positive dietary changes.

From conversations with friends and individuals, Run knows how many people are fearful of going to the doctor and don’t even think to bring up getting screened for diabetes, or think it’s a part of standard testing for regular checkups (which it isn’t). He encourages people to ask for this life-changing screening and to do it for the ones they love.

“What you don’t confront, you can’t fix,” Run said.

Watch the full interview above and learn more about diabetes awareness and prevention at askscreenknow.com.

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