
America has become increasingly more sedentary with the amount time spent on the Internet and social media. Harvard reported that we have too much sitting time. "There is good evidence that cutting back on TV time can help with weight control-part of the reason why many organizations recommend that children and teens limit TV/media time to no more than two hours per day. Reducing screen time and sedentary time are important targets for obesity prevention."

We can do something and experts believe no matter what, we need to get moving if we're going to be healthy as a nation like the Harvard quote mentioned. You might be thinking, I work in an office all day, I can't even get away from my desk most days, isn't this too unrealistic?" Yes, if it means you leaving to go to the gym unless there is one at or near work. The reality is we were meant to be in motion, and sitting all day can strain muscles, and cause blood clots. Here is what you can do to combat the lack of time, even at the office.

You can park further away at work in the morning, and keep a pair of sneakers on hand. If there is an elevator to get you to the office, take the stairs, instead. This is an efficient way to get your body going and this will work the legs, and the cardiovascular system. Take the stairs at work during the week at lunch, and if you want to add more intensity walk up and down the stairs as well. Do this two to three times a week.

Start a walking group at work with people that can hold you accountable to stay on the fitness path. Organize a walk. If you have time, have your fitness partner join you at the gym. Another option is to take a Zumba or yoga class at lunch if time permits--even if you can go for 30 minutes. It is better than nothing.

Find an empty office or room to do jumping jacks or lunges. Start jumping rope WebMD suggested, well, sort of. "Simulate jumping rope for a minute: Hop on alternate feet or on both feet at once. An easier version is to simulate the arm motion of turning a rope, while alternately tapping the toes of each leg in front." You also can do desk push-ups. Put your hands on the desk while standing, and walk backwards to do push-ups.

Start taking fitness breaks during the day, the Mayo Clinic recommended. "Rather than hanging out in the lounge with coffee or a snack, take a brisk walk or do some gentle stretching. For example, face straight ahead, then lower your chin to your chest. Or, while standing, grab one of your ankles, or your pant leg and bring it up toward your buttock. Hold each stretch for 15 to 30 seconds." Another tip that works is to bring some fitness gear to work like resistance bands, cords, or weights.

Don't forget to stretch, WebMD offered. "Let your head [roll] over so that your right ear nearly touches your right shoulder. Using your hand, press your head a little lower (gently, now). Hold for 10 seconds. Relax, and then repeat on the other side. Try this yoga posture to relieve tension: Sit facing forward, then turn your head to the left and your torso to the right, and hold a few seconds." This is so easy to do during the day to help the neck, shoulders, and back muscles

Try suggesting that your company would encourage physical fitness with incentives for those who want to stay fit. This can be a gym membership at a reduced rate, or hosting a fitness class by partnering at the YMCA. People are more productive, less stressed, and employees are less likely to get sick. Fit employees are happier, and will have better attitudes as well. "A well-managed exercise programs improve the quality of work-life for employees and management alike," author Victor Lipman wrote in a Forbes column.

Finally, visualize progress, even at work. Make health a priory by doing something everyday that will make you better. This can be walking the dog in the morning, jogging, running, or doing yoga before work, if you can't fit any exercise in. Make an effort to create these small changes during the week and it will help you long-term, and the body will applaud you. Obesity has increased over years, but we can take action to counteract too much sitting time, even at work.

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