Over the last two days, we have started making some serious commitments to our fight against breast cancer. Today, we will take another important step with Day 3 of my 7-Day Prescription for Healthier Breasts to help you accelerate your proactive fight against breast cancer.


Day 3 is the day to start going to bed on time. Your body was not designed to stay up all night.

Alarming new medical research shows that night shift workers have an increased breast cancer risk of 50% to 70% compared to women who work during the day [1]. The researchers believe that exposure to light (from indoor lights at work) during the night reduces the production of “melatonin.” Melatonin, which is made in our bodies at night to help regulate sleep and repair tissues, usually protects against breast tumor development. It also acts as an antioxidant in tissues, including the skin.

Go to bed earlier, preferably by 10 pm each night, if you can. If possible, work day shifts instead of night shifts. Getting a good night’s rest will also help you keep the weight off, and boost your skin’s glow because skin cells repair the fastest at 11 pm every night. Being in bed by 10 pm will help accentuate the natural anti-wrinkle rejuvenation process.

Tomorrow… Day 4…


1. Hansen J. Increased breast cancer risk among women who work predominantly at night. Epidemiology 2001; 12:74-77.

Get your FREE copy of FIGHT NOW by Aaron Tabor, MD and Lillie Shockney, RN with life-saving breast cancer risk reduction information. Choose to fight now against breast cancer. Beliefnet's goal is to give away 1,000,000 free breast cancer books during the month of October, so please share with your loved ones.
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