
An allergy can be a disorder in the immune system that causes symptoms like sneezing, itchy, watery eyes and a runny nose. Allergens are the stimuli that cause these allergy-related symptoms. One of the most predominant allergies among the population is hay fever, which causes allergic conjunctivitis and itchiness. During spring, allergies really kick into high-gear as plants start to rebound from the winter. Of course, allergies are not limited to the change of season. People deal with dust allergies, pet allergies and mold allergies. An allergy survey conducted by HayMax, 92 percent of respondents said their hay fever symptoms affect their work, school or daily routine, which includes sleep patterns. “The trick to sleeping well when you suffer from hay fever is to reduce the amount of pollen getting into your body at night,” Max Wiseberg, creator of HayMax Allergen Barrier Balm explained. Lack of sleep causes mood disturbances, headaches, mood swings and it can really weaken the immune system. We need to figure something out as not getting enough shut-eye is not an answer. Here are 7 tips on sleeping better when allergies hit.

Get rid of dust.

Dust mites cause an estimated 20 million Americans to be allergic. They are microscopic and live in our bedding, upholstered furniture and in our carpets. They also love to feast on dead skin and love beds and moisture. "In a gram of dust, there may be hundreds or even thousands of these tiny, eight-legged bugs that live off of shed skin. Everywhere they go, they leave behind waste," WebMD reported. The way to combat this is to wash bedding and clothing in hot water and pouring a half cup vinegar with detergent in the wash and this should remove parasites and other microorganisms. Pull out furniture and vacuum all corners of the house, especially in the bedroom.

Create a night routine.

According to Wiseberg, creating a healthy night routine before bed can help you sleep better. Remove pollen or dust from your body and hair, by showering at night before sleeping. Use a saline mist for your nose (decongestant nasal sprays like Sinex) and use a humidifier to help you breathe. Make sure that you are wearing clean clothes to bed because you don't want to sleep in clothes already contaminated. Run a humidifier and then take antihistamine to help your symptoms. If this doesn't work, talk to your doctor about medications that treat allergies, including steroids and allergy shots.

Make sure your pets are clean.

Many people forget that if their pets are filthy, they will expose them to their grim. "Ensure that pets are well groomed. If you own a pet, shampoo it as much as possible to remove pet allergens and pollen particles, or ban it from the bedroom completely," Wiseberg suggested. This is especially true if your pets sleep with you. Make sure you shampoo them or keep them out of the bedroom.

Clean surface areas in the home.

Pollen and dust particles are hard to keep up with, but when it comes down to it, you need to do your best to wipe things down. Toys, ceiling fans, door knobs, light switches, keyboards, soap pumps, desks, counter tops and other areas are a magnet for dust. Beware of using dust rags because this just transfers particles to other items. Use paper towels instead when you are wiping things down and dispose of them.

Keep your bedroom cool.

Suffering from allergies makes it hard to breathe and if the bedroom is hot, it dries your nasal passages. Sleeping in a cool bedroom helps you sleep better. Hot air has the capacity to absorb and carry more water vapor than colder air. "The hotter the air, the higher the humidity tends to be. That said, hot and humid air is thicker and heavier, and, therefore, harder to inhale. This can make breathing more difficult and uncomfortable," Health Central shared. Keeping indoor humidity between 35 and 50 percent is an ideal breathing environment. Keeping things cooler will also prevent mold and other contaminants from growing.

Stay hydrated.

Staying hydrated helps thin out the mucus in the nasal passages. This also will take off the pressure in the sinuses. Watch your caffeine intake and your salt consumption as this can dehydrate you. Alcohol can make symptoms like sneezing, itching and coughing worse in some people. So, drink hot teas, water and have a balanced diet, which includes vegetables and fruits.

Keep your linens clean.

Make sure you change your bedding every week to prevent an allergy flair up. This will help ensure that sheets are from the dust, pollen and skin. The Huffington Post suggested using anti-allergy fabrics to stop the pollen, dust and dirt from sneaking into your mattress. Good House Keeping recommended "Protect A Bed Allergy Protection Kit" to accommodate allergy sufferers. This all-in-one, no-fuss kit provides a system with encasements for the mattress and mattress pad and two pillow protectors.

Wiseberg explained that people can tolerate a certain amount of pollen without reaction, but once they hit a saturation point, the symptoms will impede your sleeping and your sleeping patterns. Suffering from allergies is bad enough, but if you are sleep deprived, you will feel even worse. With some effort, you can get through this sleep deprivation by taking action and make your home into an allergen-free zone!

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