
Having suffered from allergies the greater part of my life, I consider myself somewhat of an allergy expert. Allergies are usually seasonal however, in many cases allergy season last year round for some people. Symptoms are similar to colds such as sneezing, sore throat, coughing, runny nose, and congestion. In most cases, a sore throat is directly related to postnasal drip. But that’s not the worse – allergies can also cause rashes and itchy eyes. It’s relatively common an allergy flare up to a cold. Just keep in mind that fevers and body aches are two symptoms of a cold that are not shared with allergies.

According to WebMD, more than half of all Americans test positive for at least one allergen – the statistics are based off a study conducted by the American Academy of Allergy and Asthma and Immunology.

Curious if you’re an allergy sufferer?

  1. Most allergy tests check for higher levels of antibodies known as Immunoglobulin E (IgE) in the blood. Your body launches these antibodies into your immune system to fight off invading substances. In most cases, a true allergic reaction occurs when the body produces an unusually high immune system – keep in mind this is harmless.
  2. A food allergy is one of the highest misrecognized types of reactions that people try to self-diagnose. Out of 20% of adults who claim that they have a food allergy, only about 2% of them have a true food allergy that test results can prove.
  3. If symptoms of runny nose or stuffy nose, itchy eyes or sore throat last for more than a week then it’s safe to say that an individual suffers from allergies. Be sure to check out the pollen count when you’re suffering from allergy or cold like symptoms – this will help you distinguish whether or not you’re having problems with allergies.
  4. If you find an unexplained rash or respiratory issues, then you should monitor those ongoing issues and distinguish whether or not the problems for beyond the GI tract. If you experience an issue with a rash, then contact your dermatologist for their expert opinion.
  5. Common allergies occur when an individual has contact with common allergens such as weed or grass pollen, dust mites, animal dander, mold, insect stings, and a variety of food types, such as eggs, shellfish, nuts and grains. If you come into contact with something you’re allergic to then you’ll want to take an anti-histamine as soon as possible.
  6. A typical cold last about three to 14 days, but allergies tend to last much longer – usually for weeks. If you’ve discovered symptoms that are similar to a cold, but with no relief, opt for an over-the-counter allergy medication that has an anti-histamine in it. If you discover relief, then it’s very likely that you have allergies.
  7. If your nasal secretions are clear, then that suggests your congestion is caused by allergies opposed to a cold. When an individual has green or yellow mucus that suggests that a person is suffering from a cold or infection. However, keep in mind that some allergy sufferers develop sinus infections because they have an allergy condition and become sick – that doesn’t discount the fact that they have allergies in addition to a cold.
  8. Many allergy sufferers, especially children, tend to push their noses up with the palms of their hand to relieve itchiness. Many doctors believe this motion to be subconscious and not the same motion when an individual is suffering from a cold.

Allergies are a difficult thing to pinpoint. From time-to-time allergy sufferers will have a headache due to the pressure in their head therefore, keep in mind that each individual is different. It’s also important to remember that 7 out of 10 parents who have allergies will pass the condition on to their children. Do not suffer in silence, if you have allergies be sure to take the necessary recourse and consult with your physician about medications and other holistic alternatives that you can do on a daily basis.

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