Potential Dangers
While there may be benefits in an occasional glass of red wine to help you relax, slow down, and savor your meal instead of wolfing it down, there are also some potential health dangers in red wine:
· If you a migraine sufferer, know that red wine is one of the most common triggers for headache
· Any form of alcohol has a dehydrating effect and hydration is a key to well-being and health
· Drinking alcohol can decrease your inhibitions, meaning it is much easier to go off your healthful diet after a glass or two of wine
· Certain medications should not be taken with alcohol, so make sure you are not taking something that could result in a potentially serious drug-alcohol interaction
· Some people have trouble limiting their alcohol consumption, and if this is you, you are better off avoiding it altogether
Jo Ann LeQuang is a professional writer specializing in medical topics and a Christ-follower who blogs at AWretchLike.Me.