
If you never seen a dermatologist during your lifetime, now is the time to find one. Seeing a dermatologist is just as important as seeing your dentist and general practitioner.

They can check for skin cancer, sun damage, or advise how to deal with other skin problems. Dr. Mehmet Oz, MD shared that the “Skin Cancer Foundation recommends that everyone have a physician perform a skin exam each year -- a visual, whole-body examination that can spot early signs of skin cancer. Your primary care doctor can perform this exam at your annual checkup-- a dermatologist also can do it, and is particularly well trained to perform a skin exam.”

Here is how to know when you need to see a dermatologist.

1. There is a mole. If you notice a mole you never seen before, or is changing in size or texture-- make an appointment. A normal mole is 5 millimeters wide, The National Cancer Institute explained. The mole has a smooth surface. The color can be pink, tan, or brown. “Although common moles are not cancerous, people who have more than 50 common moles have an increased chance of developing melanoma.”

2. Melasma is brown patches found on the skin, and is usually from hormones. This can be treated by your doctor through chemical peels, and creams. This more of an annoyance than anything else as makeup doesn’t cover the area well.

3. Your doctor can also treat eczema and recommend at-home treatments to deal with flare ups. Eczema can be on the hands, face, and other parts of the body leaving the area inflames and itchy. A dermatologist can find the best treatment plan. Also, eczema is usually worse in the first ten years of life. There are good treatments for it and great home therapies that a dermatologist can tell you about. Birthmarks, such as port wine stains, can be corrected with laser treatments much more easily and effectively at a younger age. In a nutshell, the earlier you start treatment and checkups, the better.

4. Acne can be treated by the dermatologist. If you feel that your acne is severe they can help with lasers, medication, and topical medications. Many people can treat mild acne with products that you can buy without a prescription. A product containing benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid often clears the skin.

This does not mean that the acne will clear overnight. Despite the claims, acne treatment does not work overnight,” the American Academy of Dermatology reported.

5. Contact dermatitis. If you have a rash and it is not going away it could be contact dermatitis. You could be allergic to latex, from medications, and laundry detergent. Your doctor can recommend a cream, or a wet dressing if severe.

6.People that have rosacea have red patched on the face, nose and overall face. It is a chronic skin condition that can be treated with laser therapy and medication can help people dealing with rosacea.

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