breast cancer awareness tree

Women who are a greater risk for breast cancer will be covered for drugs like raloxifene and tamoxifen under Obamacare without any co-pay or out-of-pocket expenses.

Raloxifene and tamoxifen is used in postmenopausal women who suffer from osteoporosis and who are at a greater risk to have breast cancer because of family history and other factors. These drugs block the effects of estrogen in the breast tissue, but could have serious side effects. Most insurance will cover chemo-preventative drugs, but plans that existed before the Affordable Care Act will not be subjected to the new policy.

The US Preventative Task Force found evidence that taking the drugs could reduce the risk of breast cancer in a Sept. 24th report. The panel, which also recommended that women could benefit from genetic counseling and testing for BRCA-related cancer, is made up of volunteer health experts who research the merits of preventative measures like screenings and preventative drugs.

Mark Ebell, M.D., M.S is a member of the Task Force said screenings are great, but it does not prevent breast cancer from developing.

“We all want better treatments, better screening, and, most importantly, better ways to prevent breast cancer. While we need better solutions, preventive medications offer some women at increased risk for breast cancer a way to reduce their chances of developing breast cancer.”

It’s good news, according to Dr. Jill Biden after the Obama administration made the announcement.

Dr. Biden is wife of Vice President Joe Biden. She wrote on her blog about personal encounters with the disease, and said money should not be a variable when it comes to all women having access to potential life-saving drugs.

“Women who are at high risk of developing breast cancer face many questions. Now, if their doctor recommends that the benefits of this treatment outweigh the risks, one question women across the country won’t have to ask is whether they can afford it.”

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