
It happens every year but springing forward can be especially tough if you are a parent or a shift worker or even just hate missing that extra hour of sleep. None of us wants to be the guy or gal wandering into church or work an hour late…awkward! Here are some tips to help make it through the next week.

No Napping

Don’t nap. This goes for the kids as well. Resist the temptation to take a nap. If you have kids how about an extended game of tag? You’ll appreciate it Monday morning.

Get to Bed Early

Don’t wait until Sunday to adjust. Just because we move the clocks up on Sunday morning doesn’t mean you can’t adjust your body earlier. Try to get to bed early on Friday and rise one hour early on Saturday. This will make Monday morning less brutal and hey, you might even make it to church on time.

Turn Off the Phone

Put down the phone and turn off the TV. Recent studies show that technology is a major culprit in causing insomnia. As you spring forward it’s even more important to get to bed as early as possible. That text can wait.

Be Careful on the Road

According to the Department of Transportation, accidents increase when we move the clocks. Be especially careful if you ride a bike, you may be leaving in the dark now.

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Lose a few years off your features by taking care of your body and mind. Read next feature >
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