Is Prozac Good for the Soul?
Do antidepressants improve or impair your spiritual life? By Peter R. Breggin, M.D.
When Prozac Spells Relief
Are You a Spiritual Cop-Out if You Take an Anti-Depressant? by Dan Wakefield
Meditate or medicate
An interactive chart.
Post-Partum Depression:
The Descent
An account of the frightening fall into postpartum depression.
Resources on Post-Partum Depression
A list of books and websites offering more background on postpartum depression, and referral to support groups in your area.
Depression and Teens
The Courage to Live
How Jon Byington faced down depression and and suicide and turned to help others.
When Depression Is Real
Beliefnet columnist Helen Fitzgerald talks about when depression is real and advises Teens on how to deal with it