Relaxed woman with sunglasses
How do you find your inner guidance? Is there such a thing? If so, how do you know you can trust it?

I’m going to be speaking with you about a different language: a language of soul. It is a language very different from the mentally articulate and problem-solving mind that we have become so habituated to in our culture today.

The language of soul is akin to what many call “intuition” or gut feeling. But it is much more than that too. The language of soul is our original language; it is a language of connection and perceptual relatedness. It is a language that we were all familiar with before we developed the verbal acuity of becoming individuated as an adult.

In our culture today, the language of soul is one that we have increasingly dismissed as inferior relative to a growing habitual fascination with the linear rational mind and it’s computer-like ability to dissect, identify, label and manage information.   Don’t get me wrong: the language of our rational thinking mind is a wonderful - and essential - tool to have in life. We couldn’t be were we are today (both good and bad) without it!

The language of mental thought is a great tool – in it’s right place! Problem is, we have completely confused its “right place.” We have placed our problem-solving mind in the driver’s seat as master of our lives, when in fact, it is meant to be the servant and tool that supports our true innate wisdom: the voice of our soul.

The language of soul is where your true answers, wise guidance, and connection to life’s interconnectedness reside. This innate intelligence and language exists a priori to the rational mind; they are not even on the same dimension. This is why we have so much trouble when faced with matters of soul such as how to regain deep meaning, self-love, healing guidance and inner peace. These are matters that only the soul’s wise guidance can help us with. Yet we continue to make the mistake of trying to solve a soul problem from the thinking mind – a tool that is fundamentally unequipped and unable to guide in these domains.

The mind is equipped to timelines and tasks that require deconstructing or computation. It is great at mapping out strategies, organizing and remembering. This is its true function. The thinking mind is not able to truly comprehend nor solve any problem that is of soul – although it thinks that it can! …And this is just what keeps us suffering in confusion!

“You cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness that created it. You must learn to see the world anew.” – Albert Einstein 

Our culture today is experiencing more soul loss than any time in history.  We have become servants to the incessant noise and mental self-talk of the ego-mind without realizing what has happened or why we feel so fundamentally disconnected from life, empty of meaning, confused and fearful of our future, and deeply longing for something ineffable that we can’t even put our hands on:  our soulful authentic being!  We have become soulfully bankrupt as a culture without knowing how or why or what to do about it.

This loss of soul creates many (if not most/all) of the personal malaise we see  and experience in burgeoning numbers. When we are disenfranchised from our authentic self, our mind-body-soul connection is lost. We can easily see the resulting outcry of soul loss in our lives and those we love vis-a-vis: chronic depression and anxiety; loss of meaningful connection; inability to find self-love and acceptance; loss of peace; stressful choices driven by fear.

Here’s the wonderful amazing and great news: You already know your soul – you know your authentic self. You’ve just not remembered or been shown how to listen to and follow it in your every day real life.

We are not taught in our society today, the art of conscious self-realization and soulful living. Hell, we don’t even know there is such a thing to be taught! So it is of no surprise that you or I fail to realize that our mind has been in the driver’s seat and that this is causing the fundamental problem causing our sense of disenfranchisement from self!

The mind is, very simply, the wrong tool for accessing your inner wisdom and knowing self-guidance.  How can you awaken to your true nature and learn it’s wisdom? It is merely a matter of first, opening to the possibility that you have been going at your problems with the wrong tool. And then second, learning and experiencing how to listen again to the original language of wisdom and guidance: the language of your soul.

Here’s the amazing realization you will experience for yourself when you learn the art of placing soul and ego-mind in right relationship in your daily life:

Being awake to your soul’s wisdom and in right relationship with the mind, requires only one simple shift: an inward sense of engaged curiosity.

When you get curious, you begin to naturally let insight and decisions arise from a place of inner quiet (the still point before thought) through a creative process of building awareness. It’s like muscle building: If you don’t use it, you lose it. Awareness-building and spiritual toning is a real world daily way of living. If we don’t make curious awareness a part of our everyday life, then we really can’t be surprised when we feel lost, weak, confused and soulfully bankrupt!

Honestly, this awakening to the language of your soul is very simple.  It is a process I help people directly remember within themselves – and everybody has this innate ability. When we re-learn the simple art of relating and listening to life from the language of our soul, insight comes very organically. It comes through the living practice of what I have coined as the SoulArts Process  of Awakening ™: a simple and engaging way of following your life’s own genius in every day real life.

This soul-following awareness brings you attuned to life in a way that side steps old patterns and blocks. It takes only a curious willingness to see and remember and follow your life’s own amazing intelligence. Some call it intuition, others being awakened, enlightened, the power of now, or living from a state of grace. It’s really just being courageously committed to being truly alive. And being alive is NOT thinking about how to become alive… it’s BEING ALIVE!

LaRueAre you at a crossroad in your life? Participate in a unique opportunity to work directly, one-on-one, with author/teacher Ronda LaRue at her artisan home spa for the soul. Ronda’s spiritual guidance in the tools for finding and following your soul’s own inner wisdom in every day life has become internationally sought-out, with peopletraveling from all over the world who come to heal, clarify and experience for themselves this powerful SoulArts Process of Awakening. For more information visit www.CenterForSoulArts.com

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