
Depression can be sneaky, cleaver, and can flat-line you mentally. Consider it a thief that comes to steal joy, or any self-esteem, this is the dark hole of depression. This is not just place where people cry all the time. It takes a toll on the body, too. It can lead to pains, aches, headaches, weakened immune systems, digestive issues and other illnesses.

There is no shame in admitting you’re depressed, the stigma of depression. It is a very serious illness that does offer treatment options. You don’t have to suffer in silence. First, make a list of questions and be honest about the answers. For example:

  • Are you constantly tired?

Have you lost a passion for things you loved?

Are you having mood swings?

Do you have racing thoughts?

How long have you been feeling with way? If this has been going on for more than a month, seek help. Major depression is serious and can last for months or even years. This is a depression that will not go away, no matter how much it is stuffed or hidden.

The person dealing with this is showing signs of distress physically. They’re perplexed when there is no medical cause, but there are signs of stomachaches, hives, or constant migraines. Not everyone will experience all the same symptoms. This will vary with every individual. However, there are other signs of depression and you’re not alone.

Over 300 million people suffer from depression worldwide. Women have higher rates of depression than men do. A sign of depression is sleeping for long hours, and becoming dysfunctional. Many don’t seek help that they need. Insomnia is also a common theme for those with depression. Everyday Health recommends seeking help as lack of sleep fuels depression. “If you're struggling with depression fatigue, talk with your healthcare providers about medications or lifestyle changes that may help.

Fatigue can make depression worse and may even increase your risk for a depression relapse, so enlist your entire team to help you fight it off.”

Additionally, not getting enough REM sleep prevents the body to able to repair itself, and be refreshed. There can be overeating or loss of appetite. People with depression lose interest in food or compensate by eating more to aide emotions. Eating can make a person feel like they’re in control. They can also go to not eating where they put themselves at risk so they can avoid their feelings. People with depression become more isolated than normal. It is fine to have space, but if it continues for weeks, there is an issue. Mayo Clinic:

“Avoiding social contact is a common pattern you might notice when falling into depression. Some people skip activities they normally enjoy and isolate themselves from the world. Others turn to alcohol or junk food to mask their pain and unhappiness.”

Depression can hurt the cardiovascular system by driving up blood pressure, cause heart disease, due to increased stress of emotional turmoil. It messes with the rhythm of the heart and can cause inflammation. Health.com explained that depression can lead people into a increased cardio risk and heart disease. “Depressed people are more likely to have other risk factors that can contribute to heart disease. They are more prone to smoke, less likely to pay attention to diet and exercise, and more likely to neglect their prescribed medications—all serious risk factors for heart disease.”

You can help yourself by doing something, Make small goals for yourself with the help of a professional.

This can be getting up earlier, meeting someone for coffee, cleaning the house, or getting back to a hobby you once adored. Another goal is to make contact with someone to share struggles with. By making small goals it won’t become overwhelming and you won’t give up.

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