
depressed-manMany studies reveal a negative link between an individual’s behavior and health. Unhealthy behaviors become habits and can cause people to gain weight, fall into a depression or even shorten their lifespan. Living a life induced with drama has many downfalls.

Drama has the power to influence your emotional and physical nature. When you’re experiencing a difficult time, in your life, you may find that you have a loss or gain in appetite, problems with sleep, and even panic attacks that are induced by anxiety and stress. These health realities should be reason enough to distance yourself from drama that you have no business being in. If there are people in your life constantly dumping their problems on your lap then it’s time weigh out the pros and cons of the relationship. Don’t allow people to constantly bring forth their drama into your life. Or perhaps you find yourself constantly reaching for a reason to be angry – don’t do it. Stress goes hand-in-hand with drama. Stress has been linked to cancer, lung disease, fatal accidents, suicide, and cirrhosis of the liver – which is a side effect of combating stress with alcohol. Furthermore, researchers at Johns Hopkins University have discovered that children exposed to chronic stress are more likely to develop a mental illness if one runs in their families.

With drama come stress and other health ailments that can be prevented if adequate precautions are taken. Research has linked stress to gum disease because the habits associated with dramatic people are less attention to oral hygiene, changes in saliva due to higher levels of stress within their hormones and decreased immunity.

Stress can also physically damage your heart muscle. Drama that brings forth stress damages your heart because stress hormones increase your heart rate and constrict your blood vessels. This forces your heart to work harder and increases your blood pressure – hence the doctor’s reasoning for a patient to avoid exerting themselves when they’ve experience a heart attack or other heart associated ailment. According to the American Institute of Stress, the incidence rate of heart attacks and sudden death increases after major stress-inducing incidents, like hurricanes, earthquakes, and tsunamis. Those dramatic episodes are life changing and can cause an individual to feel like the world is against them.

health-heart-medicalFurthermore, the outlets such as nutritional health are one of the most widely affected elements associated with drama. Some people don’t eat while others binge eat to numb the drama. These traits live inside of us and tend to come out when drama arises. Researchers at the University of Miami found that when people are placed in stressful situations, they’re likely to consume 40 percent more food than normal. The study recommended that late night news viewers turn off their TV before eating dinner because they may over compensate due to the difficult matters being reported.

Drama is inevitable. At some point in your everyday life, you will be face –to-face with a dramatic situation. However, unnecessary drama can be avoided. Distance yourself from people that bring constant drama into your life. Take action within your own life events to avoid dramatic situations – you are your biggest preventative.

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