
Diary of A Mad Black Woman

I just want you to know that old Helen is gone, and you will NEVER speak to me like that again. 

Fried Green Tomatoes

A heart can be broken, but it will keep beating just the same.
-Ninnie Threadgoode


I'm not stubborn, I'm... right. 

True Grit (2010)

You must pay for everything in this world, one way and another. There is nothing free except the grace of God. 
-Mattie Ross

The Color Purple

The jail you planned for me is the one you're gonna rot in. 

Million Dollar Baby

This is my fighter. 
-Frankie Dunn

A League of Their Own

Hi, my name's Mae, and that's more than a name, that's an attitude. 
-Mae Mordabito

Silence of the Lambs

I graduated from UVa, Captain; it's not exactly a charm school. 
-Clarice Starling


I am not your Elizabeth. I am no man's Elizabeth. And if you think to rule, you are mistaken.

Dangerous Minds

You asked me once how I was gonna save your life. This is it. This moment.

Terms of Endearment

Grown women are prepared for life's little emergencies. 


I used to tell Walter, "Never start a fight... but always finish it." I didn't start this fight... but by God, I'm going to finish it.
-Christine Collins


I will never leave you. That's a promise.  

Kill Bill

You and I have unfinished business!
-The Bride

Finding Beauty Everyday: Quotes that Inspire You to Overcome
Breast cancer is a life changing obstacle that can make finding beauty in oneself difficult. Women are strong and can overcome anything. Inspiring quotes let those who have suffered or are suffering know that they are not alone. Read next feature >
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