woman applying skincare
Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels.com

Glowing, healthy skin doesn’t happen overnight. Anytime is an excellent time to refurbish your skincare routine and commit to habits that will help you attain healthier skin, but how do you start?

Some dermatologists define healthy skin as skin that performs its job as your barrier from the outside world. Dermatologist Joyce Park believes that healthy skin isn’t prone to breaking or cracking and looks radiant and even. However, she added that healthy skin can vary depending on the person because skin goals and concerns differ. Here are the best ways to protect your skin.

Wear sunscreen daily.

You’ve probably heard this before, but sunscreen is a routine skincare essential. Dermatologists stress the importance of sunscreen for a reason. Some might think that sunscreen isn’t sexy, but if you’re not using sunscreen, you might as well throw away any other product that promotes tightening, smoothness, and brightness.

It comes down to protecting your skin. No matter what ethnicity, age, gender, or skin tone you identify with, everyone does better with some protection from the sun and UV radiation. The key is to find a sunscreen you like and won’t mind wearing every day. You should also wear sunscreen no matter what the weather. Wearing sunscreen is like brushing your teeth; you don’t check the weather before deciding to brush your teeth, so don’t let clouds affect your sunscreen application.

It would be best if you made wearing sunscreen a habit, so it’s part of your routine, like brushing your hair or teeth. If you don’t like wearing sunscreen or can’t, sun-protective clothes, sunglasses and hats are also good choices.

Add face masks to your skincare regimen.

Adding a weekly face mask that’s right for your skin type and addresses your concerns to your skincare routine will give your skin an extra boost. Whether using a mask to deliver moisture, treat acne, or calm inflammation, think of it as extra tender, loving care for your skin. Whatever their given purpose, the benefits of masks are that they allow ingredients to penetrate your skin in a short window more efficiently. Face masks create a film that exfoliates, hydrates, or moisturizes, depending on the ingredients.

To pick a helpful face mask, you must figure out your skin type and skincare goals. Gel masks typically work for most skin types because they’re lightweight, gentle, and quickly absorb into the skin. They can calm and hydrate while firming and tightening. For those with acne-prone, oily skin, a clay mask may be a better option because they smooth and soften the skin while removing debris buildup. Clay masks also firm your skin, remove blackheads, and work miracles for your T-zone area.

Wash your pillowcases frequently.

You should change your pillowcases if you can’t remember the last time you washed them. Dermatologists recommend washing your pillowcases once or twice a week or changing them for fresh ones. Oil, sweat, and product that build up from your hair get on your pillowcases and your face, increasing the possibility of acne and clogged pores.

It would also help if you took off your makeup before going to bed. When you sleep, your skin repairs and renews itself, so sleeping with makeup hinders that process. This tip is crucial for acne-prone people since most makeup is oil-based. Dermatologist Annie Gonzalez says that sleeping with your makeup on raises the chances of breakouts because makeup mixes with built-up debris, creating a perfect storm for blackheads, clogged pores, cysts, and acne.

Stick to a regimen that works for you.

We’re constantly bombarded with skincare advice and marketing, so putting yourself first and finding a routine that works for you is essential. Keeping it simple is an excellent way to start, leaving behind the fear of missing out. It would be best to find a routine that focuses on the core principles of anti-aging while targeting your specific skin issues and focus on those. Don’t follow every marketing ploy you’re presented with; you don’t have to try every skincare product you hear or read about.

It would be best if you took stock of how your skin feels and its behavior. From that point, cut out the filler and figure out what you need. Some dermatologists advise doing this at the beginning of every season. Five to six products work for some people, but that number may vary for others. No matter your number, ensure that you’re using skincare deliberately and tackle what your skin needs at each time of the year. Also, it would be best if you didn’t waste time or money on filler products unless they make you happy. Talk to a dermatologist if you aren’t sure what part of your skincare regimen should be removed or added.

Stay hydrated.

Drinking enough water or fluids is essential for your overall health. Some dermatologists recommend drinking a cup of green tea in the morning to get caffeine, hydration, and antioxidants. Keeping your skin moist is vital to skin protection. Dry skin causes small gaps in the skin barrier that allow fungus and bacteria to enter the skin. Properly hydrated skin retains flexibility and is less likely to become flaky, chapped, or scaly. Using a suitable lotion or moisturizing cream would be best to keep your skin hydrated. Try to find moisturizers with ceramides, hyaluronic acid, or coconut oil and apply them to damp skin, which keeps the moisture in the skin.

Stay consistent.

Whether you have a basic cleaner and moisturizer or a 10-step skincare system, sticking to a regime over the long haul will be the most helpful to achieving healthy skin. The regimen and products are secondary to committing to using them regularly. Staying consistent will take you farther than an in-office procedure or the most expensive product.

Your skin is one of the most significant organs you have, so protecting it is essential. The first step to protecting your skin is targeting your issues and determining what products will help fix them. Then you have to figure out your routine and stick with it.

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