Listen to Your Body & Your Intuition
Nobody knows your body better than you, not even a doctor. We doctors may know the arteries of the leg or the anatomy of your organs better than you, but you know what’s best for your own body better than anyone else.
When my literary agent first read Mind Over Medicine, she said, “Lissa, before I read this book, I honestly thought my body was none of my business, that it was my doctor’s business.
I thought my body was like my car. When it breaks down, I hand it over to the auto mechanic and expect my mechanic to fix me. Now I know better. My body IS my business.” Yes! Your body is indeed your business. So listen to your intuition and trust what it tells you. Not in touch with your intuition? Then listen to your body, which is one vehicle your intuition uses to speak to you. If you have a physical sensation in your body - pain, tightness, nausea, clenching, dizziness - ask your body what it is trying to communicate to you.
Then listen up! This is the voice of your inner wisdom and it will always lead you directly to your true north. For help hearing the voice of your inner wisdom, download this free Self-Healing Kit to find, along with other goodies, a guided meditation specifically designed to help you tap into what is true for you.