Having fruit on hand can be helpful for a quick boost and to help keep hunger away when traveling. Having a few fruit cups handy is convenient and it is easy to store because they have a long shelf life, and can be used on the go. Dried fruit is another option for you to keep in the car without fearing it becoming spoiled. Raisins, dates, papayas, bananas, and dried apples can be mixed in a resealable bag with granola for a healthy snack. If drying fruit or making homemade granola is not your thing, visit the store and create your own mix. There are so many different varieties of granola bars to choose from, but watch the sugar content. Both Chia Bars and Renola Granola are low in sugar. Don't forget the nuts. They have vitamin E and vitamin B-12. Vitamin E helps heal the skin, and can help with energy levels with its antioxidants. The vitamin is good for the eyes, the skin and could reduce the risks for cancer and heart disease. You can find the benefits in sunflower seeds, tomatoes, almonds, and in whole grains.