
From "Hurry Up and Rest" by Al Cadenhead, Jr.:

Dr. Joe Richardson offers seven suggestions that will help us manage stress:


Decrease intake of salty food. Sodium tends to increase blood pressure.


Decrease intake of junk food. Sweet or salty foods are not beneficial. Recent research has indicated reduced performance following sugar intakes be~ cause of the large increase in insulin.

3. Decrease intake of caffeine. Caffeine is a stimulant and raises the body's adrenaline level. Also, avoid products associated with nicotine.

4. Decrease intake of cholesterol-rich food. Cholesterol reduces the oxygen-carrying ability of the blood by reducing the diameter of blood vessels.

5. Increase intake of fresh fruit and vegetables. Vitamins and minerals of fruit and vegetables are vital to the adaptive processes of the body. For example, vitamin C which is found in fruit is depleted in the body by adrenaline and must be replaced.

6. Increase intake of whole grains. Magnesium which plays a role in relaxing muscles and regulating the heartbeat is found in whole grains. Also, fiber is a beneficial element in regulating bowel habits that are victimized by stress.

7. Increase intake of milk products. Calcium plays a role in reducing blood pressure. However, to avoid cholesterol one should purchase low-fat products.

The relation of stress and rest is obvious. On one hand, rest is one of those precious ways of managing stress,. a way to maintain that optimal level of stress that results in peak performance. On the other hand, unmanaged stress can become a severe deterrent to the process of rest. Rest and stress are not enemies. They are partners in the process of making us productive persons.

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