What you thought before has led to every choice you have made, and this adds up to you at this moment. If you want to change who you are physically, mentally, a spiritually, you will have to change what you think.
-Dr. Patrick Gentempo

From "One Minute Wellness" by Dr. Ben Lerner with Dr. Greg Loman:

You have more power than you realize. Real wellness can only be attained through Maximized Living. Maximized Living though nurturing your body toward good health and trusting in that power is the only real medicine. It's healing, the only real cure. It's science, the only real future for real wellness.

God made your body with the power to overcome. Real wellness is anything that removes interference with your body's ongoing, natural balancing process. By restoring balance, you can reach your maximum level of health (optimum physical, mental, and social well-being), allowing you to get well if you are sick and helping you to stay well if you are not.

Let's define Maximized Living


What does Maximized Living really include? At this point you know that it doesn't include the next blockbuster drug or plastic surgery. What it does include is exercise, a thoughtful diet, discovering a compelling purpose for your life, building strong relationships, and the use of nontoxic, noninvasive forms of health intervention, such as prayer, chiropractic care, supplementing missing nutrients, and rehabilitative techniques.

Maximized living is "real wellness." You now should realize that you must change your paradigm from an outside-in, mechanical, medical, or wellness model in which you fight or treat disease and symptoms to an inside, out, vital, real-wellness model.

In the new model you: build health as the best prevention and defense of disease, nurture a nontoxic internal environment for your cells, cooperate with the intelligent design of your body, and embrace care that corrects the cause of issues by removing interference or eliminating dis-ease-all of which is the inherent consequence of a natural lifestyle that respects your body and falls into alignment with the ultimate intent God has for your life. Remember: health and happiness is your choice 98 percent of the time and an ever present reality through the tools of maximized living.

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