People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.
-Dale Carnegie

From "Happy Workers Pay Off" by David Batstone, Spirituality and Health Magazine (September/October 2005):

Sirota Consulting tracked the stock prices of 28 companies that had monitored their employee morale during the past four years. The results: Companies with "high morale" saw their stock prices increase more than five times those of the half-dozen companies with "low morale" (16 percent vs. 3 percent). The stock performance of the high-morale companies also bested the results of the industry average by a significant margin (16 percent vs. 6 percent).

"High-morale companies" provide fair treatment and a sense of achievement in their work. Employees have pride in their employer and good, productive relationships with fellow employees. Employees who work for companies where just one of these factors is missing are three times less enthusiastic than workers at companies where all elements are present, and are correspondingly less productive.

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