How Not to Get Derailed This Holiday
We call this the Holiday Season. Family, food, fun and train wrecks, all rolled into one span of days, Thanksgiving through New Years. There are memories rolling like thunder through our minds and emotions, traditions that seem to come back around again and again -- some so sweet and some reoccurring nightmares. Why we always go there is one of life’s great mysteries. I am from a Big Ol’ Southern family and our home scene at holiday times was Cat-on-A-Hot- Tin-Roof-on-steroids.
I can look back now and it was so funny, crazy, tragic, and real all at once. But today, I no longer have an emotional charge around any of that stuff. I have cleaned and cleared my life for many years and I am at peace with it all. Life goes on and so do we, peacefully if we have done the work to let go and live for today’s real-time moments. I’m fortunate to be where I am today and GRATEFUL--very, very grateful--to be living life with my Eyes, Heart, Mind and Spirit wide open to the here and now.
That’s my gift to myself – and a reminder that the holidays have not always been the peace and freedom I know today. Over the years I have picked up a few valuable tips on keeping the Holiday Cheer clean, clear and HAPPY!
Lee McCormick is the co-author of Dreaming Heaven: The Beginning is Near (Hay House), the powerful JourneyBook, DVD and meditation that enables you to walk in the footsteps of Lee and his fellow guides as they take you on a journey to your authentic self by following the pathways of the great mystery school at Teotihuacan, Mexico, first created by the Toltec masters thousands of year ago. Lee is the founder of The Integrative Life Center in Nashville, as well as formerly The Ranch Recovery Center in Tennessee, and The Canyon Treatment Center in Malibu, California.
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