Manifesting Through Denial
While some people choose to go through life with anger as their security blanket, others choose denial. They prefer to live in La-La-Land. They deny their part in the story that is their life. They deny the pain that is holding them back, refuse to look at the fear that is freezing them in their path. They go from one self-help book to another. Run from one guru to the next. They buy all the self-help “fixes” and they collapse in a heap of depression wondering why none of it is working. If you’re living in a state of denial, you won’t manifest anything but bills for all your self-help “stuff.” A book, a product, a teacher cannot fix your life. No one can do that but you. Sure, they can lead the way, plant seeds of hope or instruction in your soul but you have to do the work.
Ultimately, it’s you that needs to face and fight your fear, your worry, your past, your anger and even your denial. Do the work. Manifesting is as simple as losing weight. Look at the billion-dollar weight loss industry. Everyone is selling us a diet book, diet pill or exercise equipment to magically reduce our waist line. We all know there is nothing magic about weight loss; just hard work. It’s really simple in practice. Eat less. Move more. Manifesting is the same way. It’s as simple as ABC – ASK, BELIEVE, CONCEIVE. Putting into practice however can be difficult at first. Do the work anyway. Push through the anger, worry, fear and denial. You are worth it!