Boost Your Willpower
By Elizabeth Rogers
Finding it hard to resist that piece of cake or impulse buy? Call it self-control, inner strength or willpower, but we all run short of it from time to time. Experts say our willpower is a finite resource — but with a little work, we can build up our reserves.
In their book, Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength, psychologist Roy F. Bausmeister and New York Times science columnist John Tierney argue that we don’t have a limitless supply of willpower. Even when we aren’t faced with monumental temptations, keeping up our good lifestyle and financial habits and dealing with stress eventually wears us down.
Worse yet, we hit a “double whammy” when our willpower is depleted, warn the authors. Our feelings, desires and temptations are that much stronger, and we are less able to resist them. Our self-control can wane during periods of stress or extra temptation — and that’s bad news when holiday season rolls around or we’re facing extra pressure at work. Our good habits can slip, and we don’t always make the best decisions. So why are some people able to persevere while others give up? Personality traits and abilities aside, there’s something to be said for practice. Like a muscle that gains strength and endurance with exercise, we can work at building up our willpower.
Here are some strategies to help.
This article was courtesy of 50Plus.