The following is an excerpt from The Secret of Life Wellness (Atria Books/Beyond Words; September 2013; $18.00 U.S./$21.00 Can.)

The Secret of Life Wellness is about healing, transforming, and loving your life! My intention is to inspire you to be a visionary and to apply principles and practices of wellness and evolution to yourself and your life.

A great deal of the information, experiences, and processes contained in this book are based on a new modality that I have created called Visionary Intuitive Healing®, which came about after my own life-altering healing experience. After healing severe back pain, digestive problems, psoriasis, and anxiety, I discovered my ability to not only tune in to my own physical body, but to also have access to my soul’s wisdom. With practice, I developed a capacity to accurately “see,” sense, and receive insights, into another person’s physical, emotional, and energetic state. I could perceive why people had particular illnesses based on the way they lived their lives and processed information.

My ability to perceive the subtle realms has also enabled me to compile highly effective yet simple processes that can help people heal physical problems, release limiting emotions, work with colors and energy, and access and reprogram their subconscious mind. My interest has always been to help people develop their intuition and practically apply it to their lives, as well as assist them with their self-healing, transformation, and evolution—to be a visionary.

In this book you will explore:

Developing Your Intuition and Reclaiming Your Inner Power

· How You Can Strengthen Your Intuition

· How You Can Use Your Energy Centers to Heal and Spiritually Evolve

· How You Can Use Your Thoughts and Emotions to Improve Your Health


Mastering Your Soul’s Journey

· How You Can Connect and Communicate with Your Soul

· How You Can Connect to Divine Energy and Protect Yourself

· How You Can Discover Your Soul Purpose

Transforming Your Life's Relationships

· How You Can Attract a Loving Partner into Your Life

· How You Can Create Harmony in Your Relationship

· How You Can Prepare Your Body for Pregnancy

· How You Can Raise Healthy, Confident Children

Letting Go

· How You Can Love Your Body and Lose Excess Weight

· How You Can Heal a Broken Heart

· How You Can Deal with Grief, Death and Loss

Inna Segal is the creator of Visionary Intuitive Healing® and the award winning best-selling author of The Secret Language of Your Body: The Essential Guide to Health and Wellness and The Secret Language of Color Cards. Inna is an internationally recognized healer, professional speaker, author and television presenter. Her latest ground-breaking book, The Secret of Life Wellness: The Essential Guide to Life’s Big Questions is due out on September 10, 2013.

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