
Organization is not just about objects and stuff. It is not limited to work and keeping just our closets neat. It can hurt relationships and our mental health--leading to depression in some.

We don’t need to have organization just for clutter, anytime there is disorganization there is chaos. Make it part of your foundation. This can be life changing for not only your physical space, but clear up mental blocks and hindrances.

For example people have more unfinished projects and an upset home are more depressed.


You know the more you put off doing the dishes or starting that presentation feeds into for procrastination—a perfect breeding ground for stress and anxiety. It just keeps piling up as we remain in avoidance.  UCLA showed that people’s everyday environments influence joy.

“The physical characteristics of living and work spaces, including features like crowding, clutter, noise, and artificial light, have been shown to affect mood and health in populations ranging from young children to senior citizens.”

You need to cut back on wrote author Dr. Jason Selk in Organize Tomorrow Today. This doesn’t mean you can’t rest or do fun things to blow off steam.

1. Cut social media time out

2. Personal emails

3. Surfing the Internet

4. Realty television

5. Mindless business

Now, what can you do?

Take control of the gaps in your schedule and fill it with something productive. Be proactive by planning the night before on how you want the day to be built.

Getting organized includes unwinding from electronics and all the hassles of life for a clearer mind. Take a walk, do yoga, go for a run, or take a scenic drive with your pet. Burning out will only make more stress and deflate your hope. Notice your boundaries, and limits. Say no, and delegate if needed. When you are happier, things also get done, and you have the ability to deal with stress better.

Make a list of what you want to accomplish. Dream up the world and then break into smaller sections. You can have a list for short-term and long-term goals. Go back over it when finished and take out what is unnecessary. High achievers master the most important tasks first in a short amount of time, Selk learned and so can you. Instead of those time wasters in the above substitute one of them to do something productive like writing that half of chapter of a book or start exercising by working on exercise at a time instead of an entire regime. Just take the one small step, not look at the mountain as all-or-nothing. This will just disheartened, and make you want to give up.

Celebrate your accomplishments and stop giving so much thought of what you have not accomplished.

We spend far too much energy on things we failed or didn’t accomplish Selk offered. Leave the office for a mental break and to strategize career coach and keynote speaker Matt Mayberry wrote in Entrepreneur.  It will refresh “your creativity and help you to re-focus for when it’s time to go back to work. I often take a short walk to clear my head and think about how I want the rest of my day to go.

We’re surrounded by distractions constantly. As multitaskers we strive to do it all, accomplish nothing. There are still things that need to be done. Experts believe that the multitaskers will burn out quicker before the one that accomplishes one thing at time. Slow down and take it easy.

Use your own judgment in what works for you to become better organized.

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