Angel Affirmations

My clients often ask me, “How do you connect with your source of wisdom, guidance, comfort, and love? Do you hear God speaking to you? Do you feel God’s presence? Does God show up through your dreams?” My answer is all of the above, and so much more. There are as many permutations of God as there are manifestations of creation, both visible and invisible.

How do I know God? Let me count the ways…

I know God through my open heart, in the pathways of yes that line neurons and molecules and open me to receive the bounty and privilege of this life.

I sense God through my closed heart, in the prayer that bridges my soul to the infinite and carries the words “Please help me” to another realm so that in one miraculous moment my defenses dissolve and the words “I’m sorry” tumble out.

I receive God through the cloak of sunlight that enraptures me in warmth on an icy winter’s day, reminding me that there is comfort even in the cold patches of a human life.

I notice God in the first tender spring leaves that sprout on apple trees and remind me that renewal will always follow the empty, fallow times. 

I absorb God through the spongy green lawn that spreads like an emerald carpet beneath our bare summer feet, sending aliveness into every pore of breath and body. 

I observe God through the falling of autumn leaves, that bittersweet joy when the pain of dying collides with the beauty of letting go.

I see God through the sight of two pajama-angels that sleep side by side each night, through their faces that are beyond beautiful because they haven’t forgotten where they came from and their divinity shines iridescent just beneath their smooth, moonlit skin.

I hear God through poetry, each word alight with the intersection of spirit and soul, an offering of wisdom.

I open to God through music that inspires my body to dance, and through the rhythms I shed the layers of grief, anger, and fear until the radiant temple of body becomes a vessel through which I can experience the gift of being fully alive.

I exhale into God in the aftermath of a good crywhen I’m cleansed down to the clear core of essence of who I am.

I experience God through the friendship of women, the lifelines that reach like impossibly long arms across vast distances and pick me up, again and again, every time I fall.

I feel God through the smile in my husband’s eyes that says, “I know you. I see you. I love you,” in a way that no eyes anywhere have ever said. I know God through our journey of love that has taken me to the depths of fear, inspired me to dive head first into the underworld and excavate the prickly places until I emerged with the runes of the journey: an open heart, an unwavering commitment to our marriage, a softness and tolerance, the richness of a shared life.

How do you know God?

Sheryl PaulSheryl Paul, M.A., has counseled thousands of people worldwide through her private practice, her bestselling books, her home study programs and her website. She has appeared several times on The Oprah Winfrey Show, as well as on “Good Morning America” and other top media shows and publications around the globe. To sign up for her free 78-page eBook, Conscious Transitions: The 7 Most Common (and Traumatic) Life Changes, visit her website at http://conscious-transitions.com.






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