2024-05-06 2024-05-06

A charmed life is not a perfect life--but a way to live with wonder, grace, and happiness, no matter your circumstance. In an excerpt from her latest book, "Living a Charmed Life," author Victoria Moran provides wise counsel on everything from indulging simply to embracing your self worth to "washing the dishes with all your heart." Her "lucky charms" can elevate your attitude, change the way you see yourself, and upgrade every aspect of your life: health, relationships, finances, and peace of mind--even in challenging times.

Click here for the first step to creating a charmed life.

Victoria Moran is the author of "Living a Charmed Life, "The Love-Powered Diet" and many other books. She also writes the Your Charmed Life blog for Beliefnet. For more info: VictoriaMoran.com

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