Art is a potent therapy for freeing painful feelings and complicated thoughts. We're putting together a "scrapbook" of your 9/11-related art and accompanying descriptions/stories to remember the upcoming fifth anniversary of the attacks.

If you're interested in participating in a story and slideshow that will appear on Beliefnet in September, we'd like you to send us:

  • Your original artwork (paintings, drawings, photographs, etc.) with a short (up to 300 words) description or story about the piece and its inspiration.

  • A short (less than 300 words) story of how you dealt with your emotions and feelings from that time: What healed you, inspired you, etc.--and how do you feel about everything now?

    Send by email to [email protected]. Subject line should say: September 11. Deadline for submissions is August 1, 2006.

    Please note:

  • Photos/scans must be in .jpg or .gif format and be less than 200K.
  • Please include your name, your city/state of residency, and, where applicable, a short description/explanation of the photo.

    All photos, artwork, and text must be original to you. If you are submitting a work that has been previously published elsewhere, please make sure there will be no conflict before submitting to us. We just want to remind you that, per our terms of service, Beliefnet trusts that you only send material you actually own (i.e. not other people's copyrighted materials) and by sending it to us, you grant us and our editorial partners the right to use it in any form.
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