2016-06-30 2016-06-30
The Tao, or the watercourse way, asks us to experience life directly through our felt sense and not through thought or language, says Taoist scholar Ken Cohen.

Ken Cohen, a renowned Taoist initiate, China scholar, and qigong master,was one of six students chosen by Alan Watts for private study of Taoism. Ken is the author of “The Way of Qigong: The Art and Science of Chinese Energy Healing” and more than 150 journal articles. He co-authored, with Tu Xin-Shi, China's gold medal artist, “Autumn Leaves: The Wisdom and Art of Chinese Calligraphy.” Ken is an adjunct professor at Union Graduate School and presents at universities and conferences throughout the world.
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    Excerpted from "Taoism: Essential Teachings of the Way and Its Power"
    By Ken Cohen
    Audio available at Sounds True.
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