About the Artist

Self-taught computer artist David Leithauser uses angels and other figures to illustrate the Fourth Way principles--also called "The Work"--based on the teachings of the Russian mystic G. I. Gurdjieff. The latter was a mystic and philosopher, who devised a system of exercises that especially used music and calisthenics, to increase awareness. Leithauser describes The Work as "a system of knowledge designed to expand and elevate consciousness and rid oneself of negative emotions like fear and hate."

For Leithauser, "art is storytelling in picture form." Thus he sees his works as "visual parables." The angels in them serve to focus attention in order to break the chains of accumulated habit and inertia that keep us from realizing our potential.

"I come up with a Work concept that I would like to portray," he explains, "design a symbolic representation of it, and then create the picture."

To view examples of the artist's computer art, click here


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for more information on and to view other examples of David Leithauser's artwork.

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for more on the Fourth Way.

To reach David Leithauser: Leithauser@aol.com


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