
My soul thirsts for You
O God--
will I ever deserve
to feel You beside me?
There are so many obstacles
that keep me
from being what I want to be--
a good person,
a God-conscious person--
but only I myself
can change this.
Help me make the effort
to come closer to You.
Help me long
and yearn
and strive
for Your nearness.

(Rebbe Nachman of Breslov,
Likutey Moharan 1:115)

Excerpt from "The Gentle Weapon: Prayers for Everyday and Not-So-Everyday Moments" c The Breslov Research Institute (Woodstock, VT: Jewish Lights Publishing, 1999). $9.95+$3.50 s/h. Order by mail or call 800-962-4544. Permission granted by Jewish Lights Publishing, P.O. Box 237, Woodstock, VT 05901.

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