"Angels: An Endangered Species," Malcolm Godwin, Simon & Schuster, 1990

Godwin primarily examines the Western origins and sources of our views on angels. He makes many insightful connections, linking the UFO phenomenon with angel sightings and showing how local pagan gods were transformed into Christian angels. He points out that beings that live in other dimensions, including angels, are depicted differently among different cultures.

"Angels," Peter Lamborn Wilson, Pantheon Books, 1980

Wilson links angels historically to shamanism as well as ancient Mediterranean, Indian, Chinese, and Native American practices and traditions. He also provides a closer look at the Islamic tradition than do other authors of angel books. The illustrations tell a story all by themselves by giving us a true multi-cultural view of winged otherworldly beings.

"A Book of Angels," Sophy Burnham, Ballantine Books, 1990

"A Book of Angels" is an eloquent survey of angels. Burnham supplies accounts of angelic encounters, balancing historical information with personal stories. The book, published in the early 90's at the beginning of the explosion of interest in angels, may have been at least partly responsible for that interest.

"The Angel Experience," Terry Lynn Taylor, Amber-Allen Publishing, 1998

In all of Taylor's books, she invites us to learn how to walk the angelic path. In this, her most recent book, she shows us how to deepen our awareness of ourselves and our alliance with the angels. The book includes an exercise at the end of each chapter to help the reader experience her message.

"Angels and Spirit Guides," Brad Steiger, Plume Books, 1995

This collection of true stories focuses on angels and spirit guides. Steiger works hard at finding incredible and out-of-the-ordinary angel stories. He includes techniques that may enable you to be more aware of the messages from the spirit realm.

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