2021-07-08 2021-07-08

The widow was an out-of-work actress with a young son. She was at the edge of financial despair. Her husband’s life insurance had run out and she couldn’t get a job. The bills were piling up. Here’s what she owed: $550 for rent. Forty-four dollars for electricity. And the phone company was threatening to shut off service unless she paid $31. All told, that was $625. Where was she going to get that? According to her checkbook, she had only $24.

She knew the Bible told her to have faith, and to “Ask, believe, and you shall receive.” But that’s hard to do when you’re about to lose the house. Then, the words of her grandmother rose up in her mind: “You can stand on the word, my dear.” She thought about that for a moment, then took the Bible, laid it on the floor, and as Grandma suggested, she stood on it.

“Ok God, I am standing on your Word,” said the widow, "And I am asking for help!”

She stepped off the Bible and went on to run errands. At the post office, she received her first godwink: there were two envelopes in the mail. One was a residual check for an old commercial she’d done, a little over $300…the other was a $75 refund check. It wasn’t the $625 she needed, but she was elated and took them right to the bank.

To girl behind the window she mentioned that she had a balance of $24. But...another godwink... the teller shook her head. “You’re mistaken,” she said, “you must have left off a zero, you had $240. The teller smiled, and handed the widow her deposit slip…with a balance of exactly $625. Wow, Godwinks arrive in the nick of time.

The widow later told me that at her point of desperation, another thought ran through her head: “When Jesus is all you have, Jesus is all you need.” I’m SQuire Rushnell.  Good wishes and godwinks.

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