2021-07-08 2021-07-08

The car driving actress Diane Lane to the Charlie Rose TV studio was snaking through heavy New York traffic. She stared from the back window, looking at hundreds of yellow cabs darting one way and another. It was a moment of melancholy because her dad, who had died just six months before, was once one of those cab drivers. Cab number 6F99.

Her mind drifted to when she, as a young girl, would stand at the curb after school on her tippy toes, looking and looking for cab number 6F99. Then, from a blurry sea of yellow cars, her dad would arrive like a chariot coming to pick up a princess to take her anywhere she wanted to go.

Oh, how she wished he was there with her today. You see, Charlie Rose was her dad’s favorite TV show. They used to watch it together. Now, he’d be so proud…his little girl, all grown up…an actress.

“Oh, how I wish there was some sign that he was up there watching over me,” she sighed, dabbing a tear from her eye.

At that moment, her car pulled up to the studio. She stepped out. Then, her heart leapt. Pulling in, just ahead of her car, was cab number 6F99!

What are the odds of that? One in 15,000. That’s how many cabs there are in New York. And for Diane Lane, that godwink was a sure sign from above.

Like Diane Lane, you can count on godwinks to give you a little boost of encouragement just when you need it. Just open yourself up to the possibilities. I’m SQuire Rushnell. Good wishes and godwinks.

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