2021-07-08 2021-07-08

At Ford's Theater in Washington, D.C., where President Lincoln was assassinated, I found an incredible list of coincidences between the two men. These are just a few of them:

  • Lincoln’s secretary was named Kennedy, and Kennedy’s secretary was named Lincoln.
  • Both presidents had to bury a child while they were in the White House.
  • Both were shot in the back of the head.
  • The Vice Presidents of each president were senators from the south…named Johnson.
  • Both of those Vice Presidents were born one hundred years apart…1808 and 1908.
  • Both assassins…John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald…were born 100 years apart.
  • Booth shot Lincoln in a theater and ran to a warehouse; Oswald shot Kennedy from a warehouse and ran to a theater.
  • Both Lincoln and Kennedy left a legacy for the advancement of civil rights.

This list of parallels is astonishing. But…what does it mean to you? Just as with historical figures, if you create a list of the godwinks that have happened in your life, you’ll see that there has been a chain of so-called coincidence. In fact, if you lined up the whole list, you’d find that there has been a map of godwinks all through your life. Why don’t you try it. Start writing down every coincidence…in a diary or a list on the refrigerator door…and after one month you’ll be surprised by the number of godwinks that unfold in your life. And when you do…share your Godwink Stories with the rest of us. We’ll be looking for them.

I’m SQuire Rushnell. Good wishes and godwinks.

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