A wise person once told me "You're holding on to your excess weight." Can we talk candidly about that? For many people with weight problems, the truth is we are simply holding onto and continuing habits and psychological hang-ups that keep us fat. There's some part of us that is MAKING OURSELVES FAT. Get to the root of this, attend to it, and you will no longer have a weight problem. For me, I discovered that I was avoiding intimacy. Being obese is an excellent, effective way to avoid intimacy and committed relationships! As a teenager, I was terrified of expressing my sexual desires. This is because I had had some traumas in that area as a child. I unconsciously made myself weigh 400 pounds. Through a lot of work, some therapy, a lot of spiritual surrender, a lot of risk taking in letting myself be who I was – I have been healed of this terrible problem. It took awhile, though, and it was a lot of difficult work. Facing the truth about yourself takes courage and diligence. It starts with the desire to really unlock the mystery behind the symptoms.

- Norris Chumley

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