
Source of All Good

Source of all good! Day by day are thy blessings renewed to us; and again we come with thankful hearts to seek the sense of thy presence. O that we could be reborn like the morning, and our love rise as fresh as the dawn, and our obedience be as sure as the path of the sun.

For even as we seek to commune with thee, shadows from our past dim the joy of our aspiration. We remember our thoughtless lives, our impatient tempers, our selfish aims; and yet we know that thou has neither made us blind like the creatures that have no sin, nor left us without holy guidance--thy still, small voice speaking in our inmost conscience and thine open word, having dwelt among us full of grace and truth, appealing to us to choose the better part.

Take us now to serve thee in newness of spirit, and sweep away with a holy breath every dust of care, every trace of fear, every taint of an uncharitable mind.
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