Prayer for Women Who Have Miscarried
Most loving God,
losing a child is devastating.
Bless all women,
and especially _____,
who have had a miscarriage.
Comfort them in their loss.
Give them hope
for children to come.
Bless them with an abundance of love
that as their bodies heal,
so too may their hearts.
Give then the courage to face each new day
in the confidence of your love;
in the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.
losing a child is devastating.
Bless all women,
and especially _____,
who have had a miscarriage.
Comfort them in their loss.
Give them hope
for children to come.
Bless them with an abundance of love
that as their bodies heal,
so too may their hearts.
Give then the courage to face each new day
in the confidence of your love;
in the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.