2020-01-15 2020-01-15

Prayer for Those Affected by the Tsunami Disaster

Father/Mother Creator,

Please heal those who have been affected by this quake and tidal wave. Let those who have died now be in peace and in happiness.

Please comfort the peoples affected by this disaster. Bring their communities together in love, in prayer, and help them care well for each other.

Let the world community pray and assist the people who were affected by this disaster with much compassion and show their caring in practical and abundant ways.

Let those affected by this earthquake and tidal wave rebuild better than before. Let them be strong. May good come out of this time of sorrow.

Bless the earth. Bring peace and harmony to the lands, to the sky, to the waters... If there be a need for the earth to release its tensions in the future, let it do so in a way that is gentle and harms no one. Let the waters return to their natural ebb and flow. Let the earth be calm.

Peace, Peace, Peace... Be calm. Be still. Let the healing begin...

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