All the Workers
O Lord, I remember before thee tonight all the workers of the world:
Workers with hand or brain:
Workers in cities or in the fields:
Men who go forth to toil and women who keep house:
Employers and employees: Those who command and those who obey:
Those whose work is dangerous:
Those whose work is monotonous or mean:
Those who can find no work to do:
Those whose work is in the service of the poor
Or healing the sick
Or the proclamation of the gospel of Christ
At home or in foreign places.
Workers with hand or brain:
Workers in cities or in the fields:
Men who go forth to toil and women who keep house:
Employers and employees: Those who command and those who obey:
Those whose work is dangerous:
Those whose work is monotonous or mean:
Those who can find no work to do:
Those whose work is in the service of the poor
Or healing the sick
Or the proclamation of the gospel of Christ
At home or in foreign places.