
The War in Iraq

We pray for a swift conclusion to this war and for the realization of all of its noble objectives.

We pray for the well being of innocent civilians who are in harm's way.

We pray for the achievement of liberty and freedom for the citizens of Iraq.

We pray that Israel will be blessed with neighbors that will allow her to live in peace.

We pray that the Almighty enlighten the hearts and minds of our leaders with His good counsel.

We pray for the eradication of terror and for lasting peace throughout the world.

We pray for the courage to rise to the many challenges that lie ahead.

We pray for the continued capacity to hope for a better future for all mankind.

We call upon all of our constituent congregations, along with men and women of good faith everywhere, to pray for the well being of the members of the Armed Services of the United States of America.

We echo the ancient words with which we traditionally conclude our prayers:
"May He who makes peace in His celestial domain, bring peace to us all...and let us say 'Amen'"
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